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7:40 AM

In the mornings of all school days a walk up to the bus stop. In this photo, I used leading lines from the sidewalk. I also used a higher angle, since I took the photo from my point of view.


10:00 AM

This picture was in my Digital Art Class when I was working on this project. In this photo I used Worm's eye view.


3:40 PM

Once I get home I like spending some time with my cat Penny in this photo I used Bird's eye view and framing from my mirror. 


3:50 PM

 I usually take my dog Bruno on a walk and spend some time with him. In this picture, I used worm's eye view and negative space. 


5:00 PM

Once my siblings got home we went to an Oakland A's game against the White Sox. In this photo, I used leading lines from the bating place to where the umpire is standing.


5:30 PM

At the baseball game, I got some pizza and wings to eat during the game. In this photo I used fill the frame.


6:30 PM

This photo was taken on our way home from the game and in the car. I used framing in this picture.


7:00 PM

Once I got home I went on a walk with Bruno and my mom to come close to fields near me. In this picture I used composing with horizon line.


8:30 PM

Once I was done with homework and everything else I took a shower. In this photo I used worm's eye view.


9:30 PM

As soon as I get everything ready for the next day I lay in my bed and sleep. In this picture I used bird's eye view to show my bed.

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